JSON Formatter Chrome Extension

Makes JSON easy to read. Open source chrome extension. FEATURES• JSON & JSONP• Syntax highlighting• Collapsible trees, with indent guides• Clickable URLs• Toggle between raw and parsed JSON• Works on any valid JSON page – URL doesn’t matter• Works on local files too (if you enable this in chrome://extensions)• You can inspect the JSON by …

react-beautiful-dnd, powerful drag and drop by Atlassian

react-beautiful-dnd is drag and drop library for react.js, developed by Atlassian. There are a lot of libraries out there that allow for drag and drop interactions within React. Most notable of these is the amazing react-dnd. It does an incredible job at providing a great set of drag and drop primitives which work especially well with the wildly …

react-rails, easy way to integrate react to ruby on rails

react-rails(react-ujs) is a convenient and easy way to use react.js on ruby on rails projects.Using this gem/npm combo, we can add react.js boiler plate structure and generate components easily. Running rails server with rails s, will compile react webpack as well.