depcheck is a npm packange which checks what dependencies are not used in the project. As you can see on the link, it is very easy to use. Mainly it is used to clear package.json file.

depcheck is a npm packange which checks what dependencies are not used in the project. As you can see on the link, it is very easy to use. Mainly it is used to clear package.json file.
Github provides github action for CI/CD. For the CI, we could meet some cases to use private packages. In this case, npm run install will have permission problem. So, we need to set ssh agent. – name: Set ssh agent uses: webfactory/ssh-agent@v0.4.1 with: ssh-private-key: ${{ secrets.PRIVATE_SSH_KEY }} Then it will work for a private repository. …
Gitea is a community managed lightweight code hosting solution written inĀ Go. It is an open-source forge software package for hosting software development version control using Git as well as other collaborative features like bug tracking, wikis and code review. It supports self-hosting but also provides a free public first-party instance hosted on DiDi’s cloud. Cross-platform …
we are normally using some codes of repository on github. But if the tree structure of project is complex, then it is difficult codes of files.So, you can install a chrome extension (OctoTree). it is providing a repository tree structure in left side.So, you can simply go to files that you want.
Why? While using the same password on multiple sites makes your accounts less secure, most of the time you can use the same SSH key for multiple accounts. However, there are specific situations when you’ll need to set up more than one SSH key: You have two different Bitbucket Cloud accounts. For example, if you …
git gc This command cleans up the git repo and reduces the size. If we use git rebase constantly, repo size becomes significantly larger and we can resolve this by using git gc command. git-quick-stats This is git utility which displays git activity statistic data in the console. diff-so-fancy This is git ubility which displays …
This git command make several commits group into 1 commit. git rebase -i HEAD~n You can remove n commits into 1 single or m other commits. After typing the above command, hit enter. Put pick in front of commits which you want to remain. Put squash in front of commits which you want to break. …