Laravel Service Provider

Service providers are the central place of all Laravel application bootstrapping. Your own application, as well as all of Laravel’s core services are bootstrapped via service providers. For more details: Default usage of Service Provider is to inject variables to constructor of any class. We can extend this usage, and inject variables conditionally according …

Best Tool OctoTree for github repository checking.

we are normally using some codes of repository on github. But if the tree structure of project is complex, then it is difficult codes of files.So, you can install a chrome extension (OctoTree). it is providing a repository tree structure in left side.So, you can simply go to files that you want.

Laravel Concepts – Policy, Event, Listener

There are bunch of advanced Laravel features and we will use them in real-world projects. Policy, Event, Listeners are widely used Laravel features. Laravel Policies are a great way to protect actions on your Eloquent Model. Laravel Policies are the part of Laravel Authorization that helps you to protect resources from unauthorized access. Laravel’s events …

PM2 — Restart Processes After System Reboot

Startup Script Generation PM2 ships with the functionality to generate startup scripts for multiple init systems. These scripts are executed on system boot and with that spawn the PM2 process itself which is required to (re)start application servers. You can generate a startup script for your server’s init system by either using PM2’s auto-detection feature …

Simple HTTP Server for static HTML

This will install http server node package globally on your PC. After installation, you can run command http-server This will run your SPA built app in local IPs:, localhost:8080,, So you can access to your APP from local and other PCs as well. Especially, PWA does not work on development environment. For testing …