Express-box is the NodeJS+ExpressJS+Truffle Ethereum API backend startup project. You can use this express-box project to build ethereum integrated API backend with express.js framework. Reference:
Is There Limitation of Variables in Form Submission?
Yes, You may need to submit over 1000 variable data from Web Form. In this case, the number of variables are default limited by 1000 variables in PHP This is default configuration in php.ini file. If you need more, please set the max_input_vars=5000 in php.ini Reference:
Emails are going to SPAM with Sendgrid Service
When you use sendgrid for email marketing, your emails are normally going to spam. How can we prevent sending SPAM email? Sender domain authentication: When you create email campaign, you should config the sender, title, content, etc. In this case, for setting sender email, you should authenticate the sender domain in sendgrid or other email …
Houndify Service
This support ASR(Automatic Speech Recognition), Chatbot,TTS(Text to Speech) APIs. You can ask any questions to this API, then this will crawl info from wikipedia, weather, extra networks and reply with answers. API works well and easy to use. Reference: https://houndify.comh
Electrum – BTC Wallet
Electrum is the light weighted BTC wallet. It has consumer apps for windows, macOS, Linux distributions.There is a testing network app for windows, which we can use for development purpose. We can use Electrum to implement BTC payment system. Reference:
SignNow Service for Online Signing PDF
This is the service to sign PDF document with your hand. SignNow is an award-winning e-signature solution known for its easy-to-use and comprehensive toolkit. Effortlessly sign documents using electronic signatures and make them legally binding in seconds! Designed as a secure and customizable web-based platform, SignNow delivers a wide range of features for fast …
Free SSL Implementation With Certbot
You are a web developer and want to implement HTTPS on your site. Will you need to purchase SSL Certificate? – Surely, YES. But there is letsencrypt. If you use letsencrypt, you can enable HTTPS on your site freely. As a way to implement letsencrypt to enable HTTPS, you can use Certbot ACME client. …