There is a npm package which provides functionality to check the up-to-date status of the npm packages and update them to latest versions. Here is detail information about the package. Usage is simple Install the package using npm install -g npm-check-updates Check latest versions using ncu Update to latest versions using ncu -u
Scrape-It Node.js
Scrape-It is a node package to scrape web page data with custom required data. It has only a simple request module for making requests. That means you cannot directly parse ajax pages with it, but in general you will have those scenarios: The ajax response is in JSON format. In this case, you can make the …
Introduction to Redis
Redis is a in-memory key-value data store, and it used as a cache, counter, temporary data store and messaging pub/sub.Redis is mostly used component in modern web backend architecture. I will introduce common use cases that uses Redis as cache or messaging pub/sub.Cache, counter
How to check connection status of websocket?
In web application development, you’d face a moment that need to check websocket connection status.For example, you’d have a situation that your web backend needs to check if users are active in the browser. It’s as very simple as you just need to check websocket property WebSocket.readyState. It has 4 possible values; “CONNECTING”, “OPEN”, “CLOSING”, “CLOSE”. …
Cezerin – Ecommerce Progressive Web Apps
Cezerin is React and Node.js based eCommerce platform. Allows creating a Progressive Web Apps. Built with: Node.js v8.9 React v16 Redux Express Babel WebPack 4 MongoDB Installation with GitHub with Docker How to deploy a Cezerin on Ubuntu 16.04 How to deploy a Cezerin on Ubuntu 18.04.1 (from GitHub) Requirements Node.js >= 8 MongoDB >= …
Cezerin – Ecommerce Progressive Web Apps
Cezerin is React and Node.js based eCommerce platform. Allows creating a Progressive Web Apps. Built with: Node.js v8.9 React v16 Redux Express Babel WebPack 4 MongoDB Store Single-Page Application with React server-side rendering. Demo store
Speakeasy is a one-time passcode generator, ideal for use in two-factor authentication, that supports Google Authenticator and other two-factor devices.
Node.js crypto package
Jwt auth libraries have one issue. Jwt tokens are base64 encoded and easily decoded so user information like user id, expiration date can be exposed to others.In order to prevent this, Node.js provides a Npm package called crypto. The token generated by crypto package is not decoded.
Human Standard Token Abi
It’s an open source Abi which provides interface of common functionalities which are provided by smart contracts. When we add new tokens to Metamask, we can use this Abi to invoke common functionalities of the smart contract.
Creating SVG Sprites using Gulp and Sass
gulp-svg-sprite is a Gulp plugin wrapping around svg-sprite which takes a bunch of SVG files, optimizes them and bakes them into SVG sprites of several types: Traditional CSS sprites for use as background images, CSS sprites with pre-defined <view> elements, useful for foreground images as well, inline sprites using the <defs> element, inline sprites using the <symbol> element and SVG stacks.