Memory Type Variable in Ethereum Solidity

When it is necessary to store return value of a function into a memory type variable in smart contract, the size of memory type variable should be declared before storing data

MetaMask now supports Ledger Hardware Wallets

Last month, MetaMask released 4.9.0, which included support for Trezor hardware wallets. As we discussed in our ​blog post​, your funds are only as safe as your keys — hardware wallets are a great way to store keys securely offline. We want Ethereum users to be as safe as possible and we don’t want to leave anyone …

Hardware wallet integration emulator

Trezor is a hardware wallet providing advanced security for handling Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies private keys. Unlike traditional cold storage methods (offline storage or paper wallets), Trezor makes secure payments without exposing your private keys to a potentially compromised computer. See Security philosophy for more info. Trezor is a small single-purpose computer. It is designed to protect your private keys from possible …


Polymath simplifies the legal process of creating and selling security tokens. It makes a new token standard, the ST20, and enforces government compliance. Only a “list of authorized investors and their Ethereum wallet addresses” can hold ST20 tokens. Therefore, token issuers don’t need to worry about the legal implications of their security falling into the wrong hands. …


Solidity test contracts live alongside Javascript tests as .sol files. When truffle test is run, they will be included in the mocha run with a separate test suite per test contract. These contracts maintain all the benefits of the Javascript tests: namely a clean slate per test suite, access to deployed contracts via migrations, runnable on any Ethereum client, …