rc-slider : Powerful Slider UI component for React

Features Supports IE9, IE9+, Chrome, Firefox & Safari Install npm install –save rc-slider Example Online examples: http://react-component.github.io/slider/ Test Case http://localhost:8005/tests/runner.html?coverage Coverage http://localhost:8005/node_modules/rc-server/node_modules/node-jscover/lib/front-end/jscoverage.html?w=http://localhost:8088/tests/runner.html?coverage Common API The following APIs are shared by Slider and Range. Slider and Range

ButterCMS React Blog Engine

https://buttercms.com/react-blog-engine/ You’ve got better things to do than build another blog Add Butter to your React app and get back to more interesting problems. ButterCMS is an API-based React blog engine that integrates seamlessly with new and existing React apps. Add ButterCMS to your React app in minutes using our Node.js API client. Use ButterCMS …

NPM package – react-intl

 This library provides React components and an API to format dates, numbers, and strings, including pluralization and handling translations. Features Display numbers with separators. Display dates and times correctly. Display dates relative to “now”. Pluralize labels in strings. Support for 150+ languages. Runs in the browser and Node.js. Built on standards. More details can be …


react-sortable-hoc is an npm package which provides drag & drop, sort functionality for React components. https://github.com/clauderic/react-sortable-hoc Here is demo and documentation of the package. http://clauderic.github.io/react-sortable-hoc/#/basic-configuration/basic-usage?_k=ws01s2 And here is awesome example which uses this package. https://qed42.github.io/react-redux-reorderable-grid/