gulp-svg-sprite is a Gulp plugin wrapping around svg-sprite which takes a bunch of SVG files, optimizes them and bakes them into SVG sprites of several types: Traditional CSS sprites for use as background images, CSS sprites with pre-defined <view> elements, useful for foreground images as well, inline sprites using the <defs> element, inline sprites using the <symbol> element and SVG stacks.
Do you get node-gyp build issue yet?
Wow.. it is tricky issue for only you. Please install this node package. This package will install windows VS build tools and your issues will be resolved.
Meteor JS
Meteorjs is the full stack javascript framework that provides the basic web modules like as Auth, API integration, Async Module, Mongodb integration, etc. Node Expressjs was the skeleton framework, but Meteorjs is the rich functional framework. We can build Async Web apps with Meterojs without deep knowledge of websocket integration. It is surely possible to …
Polymath simplifies the legal process of creating and selling security tokens. It makes a new token standard, the ST20, and enforces government compliance. Only a “list of authorized investors and their Ethereum wallet addresses” can hold ST20 tokens. Therefore, token issuers don’t need to worry about the legal implications of their security falling into the wrong hands. …
React Telegram Login
A Telegram OAuth Sign-in / Log-in Component for React is a library which can be used when we embed telegram on websites. Login widget will not work on localhost or local-ip-address. Use should create and register your bot domain with BotFather to get that work. You can create your custom domain. For example: yourdomain.local by add new record point …
How to solve Memory size issue when running `npm install`
Sometimes npm install commands fails because memory size is small. In that case, if we can resolve the issue my using some hard disk space as a swap memory. We can find more details about swap memory here.