Sucuri Service

We can use this service for site protection. Flaws in website code can leave you open to attack. We filter traffic and strengthen your website by blocking malicious traffic and attacks. Every website gets hit with automated hacker tools. If your login credentials are guessed, attackers can easily abuse your site. Distributed Denial of Service …

Free Website Builder for Busy Creators. No coding skills required | Ucraft

Ucraft is a free website builder that provides web designers, marketers and business owners with a set of web design tools to start their next awesome project in minutes. Everything you need to create a professional looking free website. No coding or designer skills needed.

Auth0 authentication without redirect

Auth0 is an authentication service with provides oauth2-like authentication functionality. When we use oauth2 authentication, browsers are normally redirected to the auth domain and return back to our own domains with the access_token in the url. Sometimes we don’t like this redirect process and want to hide our authentication process to users. There is an …

Nuxt JS

Nuxt.js is a framework for creating Vue.js applications, you can choose between Universal, Static Generated or Single Page application. Its main scope is UI rendering while abstracting away the client/server distribution. Our goal is to create a framework flexible enough that you can use it as a main project base or in addition to your current project …

Touching Parents Timestamps with “$touches” in Laravel

When you’d need to update updated_at field of parent model, you can just use $touches of Laravel eloquent. Let’s assume, you have Posts and each Post has multiple Comments.Then it’s one to many relationship between Post and Comments.If a user added a comment for the post, we should update updated_at of the post as well.We …

AR comes to Android with the ARCore SDK

Unity and Google have a shared vision of democratizing Virtual and Augmented Reality development. Unity’s XR team has been working hand-in-hand with the Immersive Computing team at Google to overcome some of the most difficult challenges AR development presents. One of the biggest hurdles that developers face is ensuring that their apps and experiences are …