About http://cors-anywhere.herokuapp.com/

This API enables cross-origin requests to anywhere. Usage: Shows help /iscorsneeded This is the only resource on this host which is served without CORS headers. Create a request to <url>, and includes CORS headers in the response. If the protocol is omitted, it defaults to http (https if port 443 is specified). Cookies are disabled …

Better PR chrome extension

Most developers are using PR to review codes on github. This chrome extension is very helpful for that. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/better-pull-request-for-g/nfhdjopbhlggibjlimhdbogflgmbiahc?hl=en Please download the chrome extension and go to PR page of github. Maybe you will see a conformation dialog. Please enable on that. Then you will see the file structure on left side like sublime or …

Stripe Connect and Connect Payouts

Businesses use Stripe Connect to accept funds and pay out millions of third parties. Connect Payouts gives you the same funds routing, recipient UIs, and compliance capabilities for just your business’s payouts—no matter how you accept funds. Previously, Stripe Connect required that payouts were linked to incoming payments. Now, you can use Connect Payouts to …