React – Prevent Render when Props and State change

When we change the state or props of the component, render method is called by default. In order to prevent this behavior, we can use shouldComponentUpdate method. If we return false from this method, render is not called. This method receives props and state as parameter so we can check if certain state or props …

Bignumber issue in web3 invalid number value

Getting invalid number error when calling a method of a contract which take uint256 argument. Example:myContract.methods.transfer(accounts[1], 1e16).send({ from: accounts[0] }) When sending value 1e16 it throw errorweb3 invalid number value (arg=”_value”, coderType=”uint256″, value=10000000000000000) When sending value 10000000000000000 throw same error When sending value 1e16 as hex it work okay. No error. When sending value 1e15 …