Mainly we can use static variables in php. Especially I’d like to explain how to manage static variables in laravel. Imagine there is categories (1 ~ 10). ID 1 : Premiere Pro Category.ID 2: After Effect Category.….ID 10: Music Category. We can define static variables in Model of laravel. for the example: $CONST_PREMIERE_PRO_CAT = 1;..etc. …
What is AMD, CommonJS, and UMD?
Over the years there’s been a steadily increasing ecosystem of JavaScript components to choose from. The sheer amount of choices is fantastic, but this also infamously presents a difficulty when components are mixed-and-matched. And it doesn’t take too long for budding developers to find out that not all components are built to play nicely together. …
react-slack-feedback is a npm package which integrates React projects and slack channels. In traditional contact forms, we send email to the specified email address when we click submit button. The purpose of react-slack-feedback is to post such content to the slack channel. Slack provides WEBHOOK_URL, which can accept post requests from frontend and post the …
Introduction to InkScape
InkScape is great svg manipulation tool to manipulate svg image. We can convert svg images to png, pdf, eps, ps file types. Also it is possible to change size, export area using InkScape. There InkScape apps for Linux, Mac and Windows as well as command lines!
Datamuse and Thenounproject We can get related words and icons from the above services. These services would be very useful when you work for AI jobs or design jobs!
Graphile, Postgrephile – powerful PostgreSQL based GraphQL backend development.
PostGraphile (formerly PostGraphQL) builds a powerful, extensible and performant GraphQL API from a PostgreSQL schema in seconds; saving you weeks if not months of development time. PostGraphile is formed of three layers. At the very top is the PostGraphile CLI. This layer is the most user-friendly and is responsible for three things: accepting common options from …
Build a Serverless Web Application with AWS Lambda, Amazon API Gateway, Amazon S3, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon Cognito and Amazon SQS
Amazon provides very powerful and easy to use services and infrastructure for developing micro services based web application. There is no need to use other services or worry about scaling and deployment issues. Please check this official documentation for details.
React Leaflet
Core concepts React-Leaflet uses ⚛️ React’s lifecycle methods to call the relevant Leaflet handlers, which has a few consequences: DOM rendering React does not render Leaflet layers to the DOM, this rendering is done by Leaflet itself.React only renders the map container for the Map component and potentially empty <div> elements for components having multiple children. Component properties The properties passed to the …
This library is c library to analyze jpeg file in c language. libjpeg-turbo is a JPEG image codec that uses SIMD instructions (MMX, SSE2, AVX2, NEON, AltiVec) to accelerate baseline JPEG compression and decompression on x86, x86-64, ARM, and PowerPC systems, as well as progressive JPEG compression on x86 and x86-64 systems. On such systems, libjpeg-turbo is generally …