
Mattermost is a flexible, open source messaging platform that enables secure team collaboration. Mattermost is an open source Slack alternative. It’s written in Golang and React and runs as a single Linux binary with MySQL or PostgreSQL. Use the features you like (file sharing, real-time group chat and webhooks – to name a few) and …


React Native’s Animated library reimplemented. It provides a more comprehensive, low level abstraction for the Animated library API to be built on top of and hence allow for much greater flexibility especially when it comes to gesture based interactions. OMG, why would you build this? (motivation) Animated library has several limitations that become troubling when it …

Mixed Reality

Mixed reality is the result of blending the physical world with the digital world. Mixed reality is the next evolution in human, computer, and environment interaction and unlocks possibilities that before now were restricted to our imaginations. It is made possible by advancements in computer vision, graphical processing power, display technology, and input systems. The …

Anti Flicker on Google Optimize

we normally use Google Optimize for A/B testing. A/B testing is redirecting pages with loading. But it is redirected to next page after original page is loaded. Users will feel flicker with first loading. So, we need to prevent the flicker. So, Google provides Anti Flicker Code for Google Optimize. Please check the detail.