Internet Download Manager increases download speed with built-in download logic accelerator, resume and schedule downloads. It is very useful to download multi files. It is providing for Win, Mac, Linux.
International phone number input for React.
Install If you’re not using a bundler then use a standalone version from a CDN. Use The component requires two properties to be passed: value and onChange(value). import ‘react-phone-number-input/style.css’import PhoneInput from ‘react-phone-number-input’ return ( <PhoneInput placeholder=”Enter phone number” value={ } onChange={ phone => this.setState({ phone }) } />) value will be the parsed phone number, e.g. if a user chooses “United States” and enters (213) 373-4253 then value will be +12133734253. See the list of all available props for <PhoneInput/>. All other properties are passed through to the phone …
Handsontable is a JavaScript/HTML5 data grid component with spreadsheet look & feel.It provides easy data binding, data validation, filtering, sorting and CRUD operations. Handsontable works with Vue, React and Angular.
MacOS Terminal to automate your process to run project
iTerm2 is a replacement for Terminal and the successor to iTerm. I think the most important feature for us is to split panes. We can split panes into multiple sections and run separate command in each pane. itermocil is to create pre-defined window/pane layouts and run commands in iTerm. We can automate our process to …
Monaco Editor
Monaco Editor is the code editor that powers VS Code. It supports code syntax highlighting for over 30 programming languages and provides functionality to switch between themes in one click. Here is example of the Monaco Editor Monaco Editor provides diff editor as well, which is similar to git diff check.
Gate class on laravel 6.0
Laravel 6.0 introduces a new method Gate::inspect. This makes it easier to provide custom messages to users during authorization requests, such as a specific error message if their request was denied. We can use it for policy.
Debugging React Native App
When I develop mobile apps with React Native, it was a pain that it’s not able to debug the app. I found that React Native provides the feature. After you run *react-native run-android* and app is running in mobile, hold up the menu button in mobile device. New popup menu will be opened, click *Enable …
Winston logger
winston is designed to be a simple and universal logging library with support for multiple transports. A transport is essentially a storage device for your logs. Each winston logger can have multiple transports (see: Transports) configured at different levels (see: Logging levels). For example, one may want error logs to be stored in a persistent remote location (like a database), …
Process DOM String – Cheerio
Fast, flexible & lean implementation of core jQuery designed specifically for the server.
International Telephone Input
We can use the following widget to implement the telephone input. Features Automatically select the user’s current country using an IP lookup Automatically set the input placeholder to an example number for the selected country Navigate the country dropdown by typing a country’s name, or using up/down keys Handle phone number extensions The user …