WebRTC Implementation with React and React Native by using OpenTok

Add opentok-react as a dependency of your application: yarn add opentok-react Or if you’re still using npm: npm install –save opentok-react Then include opentok.js before your application: <script src=”https://static.opentok.com/v2/js/opentok.min.js”></script> Alternatively, wrap your top-level component using OpenTok with the preloadScript HOC. The HOC will take care of loading opentok.js for you before rendering. https://github.com/opentok/opentok-reacthttps://github.com/opentok/opentok-react-native-samples

Set or update field automatically without manual additional in Mongoose/MongoDB

Set or update field automatically without manual additional in Mongoose/MongoDB

I had a chance that I need to add new field for each schema in the MongoDB. First time, I thought I should add them manually for each model definition. I investigated a better way and found that MongoDB provides plugin feature and provides hooks for each Mongoose events like find, save, update, delete. For …

Creating Reusable Components with NgTemplateOutlet in Angular

NgTemplateOutlet inserts an embedded view from a prepared TemplateRef. Using NgTemplateOutlet instead of creating specific components allows for components to be easily modified for various use cases without having to modify the component itself! The templates will be TemplateRefs using <ng-template> and the stamps will be EmbeddedViewRefs created from the TemplateRefs. EmbeddedViewRefs represent views in Angular with their own context and are the …


Roblox is an online game platform and game creation system that allows users to design their own games and play a wide variety of different games created by other users. Roblox’s mission is to bring the world together through play. We enable anyone to imagine, create, and have fun with friends as they explore millions …

AWS Serverless Express

Run serverless applications and REST APIs using your existing Node.js application framework, on top of AWS Lambda and Amazon API Gateway. The sample provided allows you to easily build serverless web applications/services and RESTful APIs using the Express framework. https://github.com/awslabs/aws-serverless-express Benefits- Pay for what you use- No infrastructure to manage- Auto-scaling with no configuration needed- Usage Plans- Caching- Authorization- Staging- SDK Generation- …

Get and set request-scoped context anywhere in Express app

Get and set request-scoped context anywhere in Express app

We may need to store user information to somewhere and want to grab the information from a utility function. Assuming I need to get current logged user and use it in mongoose schema functions. Using express-http-context npm package, you can easily implement this. In where you want to grab the information; If you want to …


Puma-dev is the emotional successor to pow. It provides a quick and easy way to manage apps in development on macOS and Linux. Normally we use vhost on local development. But it is difficult to point to port as well. For ex: By vhost: http://development.test -> localhost:80 ( yes ) https://development.test -> localhost:3000 ( no …