Digital Experience Analytics, Full Story

FullStory is the digital experience analytics platform for on-the-fly funnels, pixel-perfect replay, custom events, heat maps, advanced search and Dev Tools User Identification Each time a page loads from a user we can identify, we will want a bit of JavaScript to call the FS.identify function to associate your own application-specific id with the active user. …

Logger for Redux

Middleware of Redux Redux middleware solves different problems than an Express or Koa middleware, but in a conceptually similar way.It provides a third party extension point between dispatching an action, and the moment it reaches the reducers.We can use Redux middleware for logging, crash reporting, talking to an asynchronous API, routing, and more.Here, the one good method …

SSR with Angular Universal

Angular Universal is a Pre-Rendering solution for Angular. Why Angular Universal? Facilitate web crawlers through search engine optimization (SEO) Improve performance on mobile and low-powered devices Show the first page quickly with a first-contentful paint (FCP) Add Universal rendering with the Angular CLI Build the Angular Universal Bundle Start Universal App Creating server-side app module

Using LaravelCollective

This is a set of packages to help us working with HTML, Remote, Annotations and Errors in Laravel. How to install composer require laravelcollective/html Basic Usage Opening a form tag:{!! Form::open([‘url’ => ‘foo/bar’]) !!} Generating a drop-down list: {!! Form::select(‘size’, [‘L’ => ‘Large’, ‘S’ => ‘Small’]) !!} Documentation For further information, please check this documentation:

The exponential backoff algorithm in Go

This is a Go port of the exponential backoff algorithm from Google’s HTTP Client Library for Java. Exponential backoff is an algorithm that uses feedback to multiplicatively decrease the rate of some process, in order to gradually find an acceptable rate. The retries exponentially increase and stop increasing when a certain threshold is met. Usage Import path …


Framework7 is a free and open source framework to develop mobile, desktop or web apps with native look and feel. It is also an indispensable prototyping tool to show working app prototype as soon as possible in case you need to. The main approach of the Framework7 is to give you an opportunity to create …

Big Blue Button

BigBlueButton is an open source web conferencing system. BigBlueButton supports real-time sharing of audio, video, slides (with whiteboard controls), chat, and the screen. Instructors can engage remote students with polling, emojis, multi-user whiteboard, and breakout rooms. Presenters can record and playback content for later sharing with others. FREE, OPEN SOURCE, NO DEPENDENCY


Knex.js is a “batteries included” SQL query builder for Postgres, MSSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, SQLite3, Oracle, and Amazon Redshift designed to be flexible, portable, and fun to use. It features both traditional node style callbacks as well as a promise interface for cleaner async flow control, a stream interface, full featured query and schema builders, transaction support (with savepoints), connection pooling and standardized responses between different query clients and dialects.