Open Exchange Rates data API powers the Internet’s most dynamic startups, brands and organisations.It provides consistent, reliable exchange rate data and currency conversion for your business. It is also flexible, fast and affordable. Simple to use Scalable Open source integrations Fully-featured
ApexCharts is an open-source modern charting library that helps developers to create beautiful and interactive visualizations for web pages. There is also a react wrapper for this ApexChart.
Mattermost is a flexible, open source messaging platform that enables secure team collaboration. Mattermost is an open source Slack alternative. It’s written in Golang and React and runs as a single Linux binary with MySQL or PostgreSQL. Use the features you like (file sharing, real-time group chat and webhooks – to name a few) and …
A resizable and draggable component for React. Install use npm npm i -S react-rnd use yarn yarn add react-rnd
Keycloak is open source identity and access management for modern applications and services. Add authentication to applications and secure services with minimum fuss. No need to deal with storing users or authenticating users. It’s all available out of the box. You’ll even get advanced features such as User Federation, Identity Brokering and Social Login. For …
Handsontable is a JavaScript/HTML5 data grid component with spreadsheet look & feel.It provides easy data binding, data validation, filtering, sorting and CRUD operations. Handsontable works with Vue, React and Angular.
MacOS Terminal to automate your process to run project
iTerm2 is a replacement for Terminal and the successor to iTerm. I think the most important feature for us is to split panes. We can split panes into multiple sections and run separate command in each pane. itermocil is to create pre-defined window/pane layouts and run commands in iTerm. We can automate our process to …
Winston logger
winston is designed to be a simple and universal logging library with support for multiple transports. A transport is essentially a storage device for your logs. Each winston logger can have multiple transports (see: Transports) configured at different levels (see: Logging levels). For example, one may want error logs to be stored in a persistent remote location (like a database), …
This is the video.js plugin for recording audio/video/image files. We can use this package to record audios, videos and images from browser using a microphone and/or webcam.