Every chat application requires real time functionality. This amongst other benefits allows interaction between users in different location(s). A chat application like this can be built to function on diverse platforms, be it mobile or web applications. In this tutorial, I will be showing you how to build a chat application using¬†React¬†and¬†Pusher. This is a …

ButterCMS React Blog Engine You’ve got better things to do than build another blog Add Butter to your React app and get back to more interesting problems. ButterCMS is an API-based React blog engine that integrates seamlessly with new and existing React apps. Add ButterCMS to your React app in minutes using our Node.js API client. Use ButterCMS …


SlackBring your team together with Slack, the collaboration hub for work. Placeholder Images Made For You [JPG, GIF & PNG] C/O How To Use Our Placeholders Just specify the image size after our URL ( and you’ll get a placeholder image. So the image URL should look this:- You can use the images …

PM2 — Restart Processes After System Reboot

Startup Script Generation PM2 ships with the functionality to generate startup scripts for multiple init systems. These scripts are executed on system boot and with that spawn the PM2 process itself which is required to (re)start application servers. You can generate a startup script for your server’s init system by either using PM2’s auto-detection feature …

How to fix node-gyp errors for windows users

For those who didn’t follow the MS proscribed order (see Xv’s answer) you can still fix the problem. MSBuild uses the VCTargetsPath to locate default cpp properties but cannot because the registry lacks this String Value. Check for the String Value Launch regedit Navigator to HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSBuild\ToolsVersions\4.0 Inspect VCTargetsPath key. The value should = “$(MSBuildExtensionsPath32)\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\“ To fix Launch regedit Navigator to HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSBuild\ToolsVersions\4.0 Add …


This API enables cross-origin requests to anywhere. Usage: Shows help /iscorsneeded This is the only resource on this host which is served without CORS headers. Create a request to <url>, and includes CORS headers in the response. If the protocol is omitted, it defaults to http (https if port 443 is specified). Cookies are disabled …