Infinite scroll implementation in Vue.js

Infinite Scroll is a UX pattern that suggests showing users few contents on page or app load. More contents are then loaded once the user starts scrolling down the page. These contents are loaded asynchronously by making request to the server responsible for providing the content. If we need to implement the infinite scroll functionality …

Setting up Google Analytics in Vue.js

Google Analytics is one of the most popular digital analytics software. It is Google’s free web analytics service that allows you to analyze in-depth detail about the visitors on your website. It’s easy to embed the Google Analytics(GA) codes into the normal landing page websites, but not simple on the single page applications(SPA) since it runs …

Braintree payment implementation in Vue.js

Integrating with Braintree offers the customers many different ways to pay. For this reason, we may need to integrate the Braintree payment module on our projects sometimes. The implementation of the Braintree payment on the frontend is one of the big parts with the backend implementation. When we use the Vue.js framework to build the …


Gatsby is a React framework to develop websites in short time. It is a fast modern site generator. Gatsby provides convenient functionalities to develop landing pages very quickly. Also according to Gatsby’s documentations it is widely used in E-Commerce website development. It’s very easy to learn for the developers who knows React.js very well.