
Gatsby is a React framework to develop websites in short time. It is a fast modern site generator. Gatsby provides convenient functionalities to develop landing pages very quickly. Also according to Gatsby’s documentations it is widely used in E-Commerce website development. It’s very easy to learn for the developers who knows React.js very well.

React Telegram Login

A Telegram OAuth Sign-in / Log-in Component for React is a library which can be used when we embed telegram on websites. Login widget will not work on localhost or local-ip-address. Use should create and register your bot domain with BotFather to get that work. You can create your custom domain. For example: yourdomain.local by add new record point …

React.js Boilerplate

There are a lot of boilerplates for React and it’s hard to decide which boilerplate to use.The below one is a website which where we can search such boilerplate by keyword. For example, below react boilerplate provides various functionalities – Redux, GraphQL, SEO…

Redux-Saga, Redux-Thunk

Redux-saga and redux-thunk are redux middleware libraries, that are designed to make handling side effects(asynchronous things like data fetching) easier to manage and better at handling failures. The difference of those 2 libraries stands on processing the data fetched from back-end api. Redux-thunk handles the data in a callback function and redux-saga uses async-await functions …