Redis is a in-memory key-value data store, and it used as a cache, counter, temporary data store and messaging pub/sub.Redis is mostly used component in modern web backend architecture. I will introduce common use cases that uses Redis as cache or messaging pub/sub.Cache, counter
Trade-off running atomic daemons in Node.js
When you develop daemons that runs periodically in Node.js, you’d have some tricky issues.I have used to node-schedule npm package and I had several problems. As it runs by certain time interval, it could overlap each other as well as it will run another process without completing all jobs. For example, you have a daemon …
Difference of External and Public modifier in Solidity
When you write smart contracts in Solidity you will use modifier for each function that indicates accessibility for the functions.
Cryptonote is a cryptocurrency like Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc. Many coins like Dash, PIVX are forked from Bitcoin but Cryptonote has a completely different codebase like Ethereum. Cryptonote is very convenient to fork; it’s official Readme explains that method in detail. There are several cryptocurrencies which are forked from Cryptonote like Monero, which is 9th ranking …
Relay is a library to interact with GraphQL. It is used in React projects to communicate with GraphQL backend. There are 2 most widely used GraphQL front-end frameworks – Relay and Apollo. Relay is mainly used for large scale applications.
How to check connection status of websocket?
In web application development, you’d face a moment that need to check websocket connection status.For example, you’d have a situation that your web backend needs to check if users are active in the browser. It’s as very simple as you just need to check websocket property WebSocket.readyState. It has 4 possible values; “CONNECTING”, “OPEN”, “CLOSING”, “CLOSE”. …
Cezerin – Ecommerce Progressive Web Apps
Cezerin is React and Node.js based eCommerce platform. Allows creating a Progressive Web Apps. Built with: Node.js v8.9 React v16 Redux Express Babel WebPack 4 MongoDB Installation with GitHub with Docker How to deploy a Cezerin on Ubuntu 16.04 How to deploy a Cezerin on Ubuntu 18.04.1 (from GitHub) Requirements Node.js >= 8 MongoDB >= …
CKEditor – Fully Customizable Editor
CKEditor is a WYSIWYG rich text editor which enables writing content directly inside of web pages or online applications. Its core code is written in JavaScript and it is available under open source and commercial licenses. CKEditor supports React, Vue, Angular, Electron, Bootstrap, jQuery, webpack and NPM Reference: