migrate-mongo is a database migration tool for MongoDB running in Node.js https://github.com/seppevs/migrate-mongo
CKEditor – Content Filtering
Advanced Content Filter (ACF) is a CKEditor core feature that filters incoming HTML content by transforming and deleting disallowed elements, attributes, classes and styles. If you paste content into CKEditor 4 and notice that some elements are removed, then chances are high that it was removed by ACF. Allow everything (disable ACF) config.allowedContent = true; // Allow …
Laravel API Documentation Generator
Automatically generate your API documentation from your existing Laravel/Lumen/Dingo routes. PHP 7.2 and Laravel/Lumen 5.7 or higher are required. If your application does not meet these requirements, you can check out the 3.x branch for older releases. Check out the documentation at the Beyond Code homepage.
Laravel API Rate Limit.
When we send API request to Laravel backend frequently in short time. (for example 5 times in 1 second), we get 429 (Too many request error). In order to avoid this error, we can use throttle middleware. https://laravel.com/docs/7.x/routing#rate-limiting
Draw Entity-Relationship Diagrams, Painlessly
A free, simple tool to draw ER diagrams by just writing code.Designed for developers and data analysts. Enjoy the Efficiency of Writing Code You type and an ER diagram appears. Your fingers never need to leave your keyboard. Export to Images and PDFs Create beautiful PDFs of your ER diagram to circulate internally. Who says …
Some tips to reinforce security in Laravel
Prevent from Brute-force attack In Laravel 7, Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\ThrottlesLogins is already there in LoginController which is used to prevent brute-force attack. Route::post(‘login’, ‘Auth\LoginController@postLogin’)->middleware(“throttle: maxAttempts, decayMinutes“); Prevent from going back in browser history after login/logout After logout, users should not be able to go back to the previous page by using browser’s “back” button. We need to add …
Twilio service provides a lot of functionalities like phone call, SMS, Audio call, Video call and real time chatting. Twilio provides rich SDK in various languages and sufficient documentation. Also it provides sample applications in it’s github repo. Implementing chat application using Twilio API is really simple. Especially when we implement chat in mobile apps, …
Cancel Preceded Requests from Frontend side Using Axios
There are some cases that user sends simultaneous requests while preceded requests are still pending. In this case, you will need to cancel the preceding requests. Axios provides cancelTokenfeature for this purpose. This stores cancelToken of previous request and use it to cancel the preceded requests with the token value.