Shareable Content Object Reference Model is a collection of standards and specifications for web-based electronic educational technology. It defines communications between client side content and a host system, which is commonly supported by a learning management system What is SCORM? SCORM is a set of technical standards for eLearning products. It provides the communication method …


Fuze is a cloud communications and contact center platform, built for the enterprise. Our intuitive, all-in-one platform enables a seamless transition between calling, meeting, chatting, and sharing, powered by the industry-leading intelligent cloud architecture. Fuze modernizes the communications experience and empowers the digital and distributed workforce to communicate anywhere, anytime, and across any device. Calling …

Phalcon – A full-stack PHP framework delivered as a C-extension

Phalcon is an open source full stack framework for PHP, written as a C-extension. Phalcon is optimized for high performance. Its unique architecture allows the framework to always be memory resident, offering its functionality whenever it’s needed, without expensive file stats and file reads that traditional PHP frameworks employ. Developers do not need to know …


useMedia React sensor hook that tracks state of a CSS media query. Depending on your testing setup, you may need to mock window.matchMedia on components that utilize the useMedia hook. import useMedia from ‘use-media’;// Alternatively, you can import as:// import {useMedia} from ‘use-media’;const Demo = () => { // Accepts an object of features to test const isWide = useMedia({minWidth: …


REACT PRIMITIVE UI COMPONENTSBUILT WITH STYLED SYSTEM Getting Started Install the core Rebass library. npm i rebass ThemeProvider By default, Rebass components are stylistically unopinionated and do not include a theme. You can add a theme to your application with a ThemeProvider component and by providing a theme in context. For this guide, use the Emotion ThemeProvider with the …


Gitea is a community managed lightweight code hosting solution written in Go. It is an open-source forge software package for hosting software development version control using Git as well as other collaborative features like bug tracking, wikis and code review. It supports self-hosting but also provides a free public first-party instance hosted on DiDi’s cloud. Cross-platform …