Sometimes you need to zip folder or files in Node.js backend development. Jszip is for creating, reading and editing .zip files with JavaScript, with a lovely and simple API. See for all the documentation.
API Blueprint to Swagger Converter
API Blueprint is simple and accessible to everybody involved in the API lifecycle. Its syntax is concise yet expressive. With API Blueprint you can quickly design and prototype APIs to be created or document and test already deployed mission-critical APIs. As an example, Apiary also uses API Blueprint. We can convert API Blueprint to Swagger …
Luxon is a library for dealing with dates and times in JavaScript. Features A nice API for working with datetimes Interval support (from time x to time y) Duration support (14 days, 5 minutes, 33 seconds) Parsing and Formatting datetimes, intervals, and durations Internationalization of strings using the Intl API Detailed and unambiguous math operations Built-in handling of time zones Partial support …
How to simplify website localization using POEditor
When you make localization of website, you need language specific configuration files for the supported languages. POEditor is a useful SaaS service to make the configuration files easily. Using POEditor, you can build dictionary of the texts that are used in your website for each supported language. And can export them into a lot of …
npm link
A command to symlink a package folder. Synopsis npm link (in package dir)npm link [<@scope>/]<pkg>[@<version>]alias: npm ln Description Package linking is a two-step process. First, npm link in a package folder will create a symlink in the global folder {prefix}/lib/node_modules/<package> that links to the package where the npm link command was executed. It will also link any bins in the package …