(https://nginxconfig.io/) NGINX is so much more than just a webserver. You already knew that, probably. low memory usage high concurrency asynchronous event-driven architecture load balancing reverse proxying FastCGI support with caching (PHP) amazing fast handling of static files TLS/SSL with SNI A lot of features with corresponding configuration directives. You can deep dive into the NGINX …
How to Install PHP on IIS
You can install PHP with FastCGI Extension on IIS 7 / IIS 8 Server. FastCGI is a regular protocol which enables a Web Server to interface with CGI executable files of app structure. The windows most current PHP 4.4.x and PHP 5.x distribution totally support this FastCGI Extension. This article provides step by step description …
Best Tool OctoTree for github repository checking.
we are normally using some codes of repository on github. But if the tree structure of project is complex, then it is difficult codes of files.So, you can install a chrome extension (OctoTree). it is providing a repository tree structure in left side.So, you can simply go to files that you want. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/octotree/bkhaagjahfmjljalopjnoealnfndnagc
PM2 — Restart Processes After System Reboot
Startup Script Generation PM2 ships with the functionality to generate startup scripts for multiple init systems. These scripts are executed on system boot and with that spawn the PM2 process itself which is required to (re)start application servers. You can generate a startup script for your server’s init system by either using PM2’s auto-detection feature …
Atlassian Enterprise Solution – Custom server installation
Atlassian tools are great, not only for software project management, source code management, but also as for business management tool and documentary solution. For enterprise use cases, Atlassian provides custom server installation. Please check https://atlassian.com/downloads
Do you know why this happens?
I can not access to https://dev-local.mylogobot.com Do you know why? This is my vhost file. <VirtualHost *:443> DocumentRoot “/Volumes/Data/Amchara/main-front/public” SSLEngine on SSLCertificateFile /etc/apache2/ssl/amchara-front/server.crt SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/apache2/ssl/amchara-front/server.key ServerName www.dev-local.amchara-front.net ServerAlias dev-local.amchara-front.net <Directory “/Volumes/Data/Amchara/main-front/public”> AllowOverride All …
The laravel-cors package allows you to send Cross-Origin Resource Sharing headers with Laravel middleware configuration. Features Handles CORS pre-flight OPTIONS requests Adds CORS headers to your responses Resource: https://github.com/barryvdh/laravel-cors
Running cron job in WordPress projects
Running cron job is one of the most popular problems in any projects. When we need to run cron job in WordPress projects, we can use “WP Crontrol” plugin which is powerful and easy to use. WP Crontrol lets you view and control what’s happening in the WP-Cron system. From the admin screens you can: …