Expo is a free and open source toolchain built around React Native to help you build native iOS and Android apps using JavaScript and React. It is the fastest method to develop React Native applications. Most benefit is that we can test the mobile application in a mobile device even the device is not …
Introduction to Redux Saga
redux-saga is a library that aims to make application side effects (i.e. asynchronous things like data fetching and impure things like accessing the browser cache) easier to manage, more efficient to execute, easy to test, and better at handling failures. The mental model is that a saga is like a separate thread in your application that’s …
Webpack – Lazyload component
Lazy, or “on demand”, loading is a great way to optimize your site or application. This practice essentially involves splitting your code at logical breakpoints, and then loading it once the user has done something that requires, or will require, a new block of code. This speeds up the initial load of the application and …
Gatsby is a React framework to develop websites in short time. It is a fast modern site generator. Gatsby provides convenient functionalities to develop landing pages very quickly. Also according to Gatsby’s documentations it is widely used in E-Commerce website development. It’s very easy to learn for the developers who knows React.js very well.
React virtualized libraries React virtualized libraries are react components for efficiently rendering large lists and tabular data. Here is demo components It can be used efficiently in crypto exchange projects, which displays large amount of real-time trade history data
React Telegram Login
A Telegram OAuth Sign-in / Log-in Component for React is a library which can be used when we embed telegram on websites. Login widget will not work on localhost or local-ip-address. Use should create and register your bot domain with BotFather to get that work. You can create your custom domain. For example: yourdomain.local by add new record point …
React.js Boilerplate
There are a lot of boilerplates for React and it’s hard to decide which boilerplate to use.The below one is a website which where we can search such boilerplate by keyword. For example, below react boilerplate provides various functionalities – Redux, GraphQL, SEO…
Styled component
Instead of separating HTML and CSS, we can embed all CSS styles into HTML. especially in React components. The advantage of Styled component is that we can use variables inside CSS styles without any limitation. This feature is very useful when implementing mobile responsive.
Autosizer Library
Autosizer is a React component which is convenient to use when implementing mobile responsive. We can wrap any component using Autosizer, and Autosizer propagates width and height of the component to it’s child components. Child components can use this width and height to implement responsive. Autosizer is especially useful when used together with Styled Components. …
Redux-Saga, Redux-Thunk
Redux-saga and redux-thunk are redux middleware libraries, that are designed to make handling side effects(asynchronous things like data fetching) easier to manage and better at handling failures. The difference of those 2 libraries stands on processing the data fetched from back-end api. Redux-thunk handles the data in a callback function and redux-saga uses async-await functions …