Dealing with giant tables in Postgres using Partitioning

Operation towards very large tables takes too much time in database. To overcome this problem, Postgres introduced partitioning using pg_partman extension. Steps to implement 1. Install extensionCREATE EXTENSION pg_partman; 2. Create tableCREATE TABLE events; 3. Create parent index tableSELECT create_parent(‘’, ‘created_at’, ‘time’, ‘daily’); 4. Run partitioningSELECT run_maintenance(); Reference

Graphile, Postgrephile – powerful PostgreSQL based GraphQL backend development.

PostGraphile (formerly PostGraphQL) builds a powerful, extensible and performant GraphQL API from a PostgreSQL schema in seconds; saving you weeks if not months of development time. PostGraphile is formed of three layers. At the very top is the PostGraphile CLI. This layer is the most user-friendly and is responsible for three things: accepting common options from …

Yet another way to manage db migrations in node.js project

Using Sequelize with node.js project is great, which provides all in one pack functionalities, including migrations, ORMs, etc. Sometimes, we only need migrations without ORMs. ex: using direct GraphQL libraries to make interface. db-migrateĀ isĀ database migration framework for node.js. Usage is simple, install via npm, similar to sequelize.

PostgREST – postgreSQL based RESTful API

PostgREST serves a fully RESTful API from any existing PostgreSQL database. It provides a cleaner, more standards-compliant, faster API than you are likely to write from scratch. Motivation Using PostgREST is an alternative to manual CRUD programming. Custom API servers suffer problems. Writing business logic often duplicates, ignores or hobbles database structure. Object-relational mapping is …