Infrastructure to build Bitcoin and blockchain-based applications for the next generation of financial technology.
Getting Started
- Trusted P2P Peer
- MongoDB Server >= v3.4
Checkout the repo
git clone git checkout master npm install
Setup Guide
1. Setup Bitcore config
Example bitcore.config.json
2. Setup Bitcoin Node
Example Bitcoin Mainnet Config
3. Run Bitcoin node
Example Starting a Bitcoin Node
4. Start Bitcore
npm run node
- Bitcore Node – A full node with extended capabilities using Bitcoin Core
- Bitcore Wallet – A command-line based wallet client
- Bitcore Wallet Client – A client for the wallet service
- Bitcore Wallet Service – A multisig HD service for wallets
- Bitpay Wallet – An easy-to-use, multiplatform, multisignature, secure bitcoin wallet
- Insight – A blockchain explorer web user interface
- Bitcore Channel – Micropayment channels for rapidly adjusting bitcoin transactions
- Bitcore ECIES – Uses ECIES symmetric key negotiation from public keys to encrypt arbitrarily long data streams
- Bitcore Lib – A pure and powerful JavaScript Bitcoin library
- Bitcore Lib Cash – A pure and powerful JavaScript Bitcoin Cash library
- Bitcore Message – Bitcoin message verification and signing
- Bitcore Mnemonic – Implements mnemonic code for generating deterministic keys
- Bitcore P2P – The peer-to-peer networking protocol for BTC
- Bitcore P2P Cash – The peer-to-peer networking protocol for BCH
- Crypto Wallet Core – A coin-agnostic wallet library for creating transactions, signing, and address derivation
- Bitcore Build – A helper to add tasks to gulp
- Bitcore Client – A helper to create a wallet using the bitcore-v8 infrastructure
See on the main bitcore repo for information about how to contribute.
Code released under the MIT license.
Copyright 2013-2019 BitPay, Inc. Bitcore is a trademark maintained by BitPay, Inc.