Validate XML, Parse XML to JS/JSON and vice versa, or parse XML to Nimn rapidly without C/C++ based libraries and no callback
To cover expenses, we’re planning to launch FXP Enterprise edition in parallel. Watch it for further updates, if you’re interested.
Main Features
- Validate XML data syntactically
- Transform XML to JSON or Nimn
- Transform JSON back to XML
- Works with node packages, in browser, and in CLI (press try me button above for demo)
- Faster than any pure JS implementation.
- It can handle big files (tested up to 100mb).
- Various options are available to customize the transformation
- You can parse CDATA as a separate property.
- You can prefix attributes or group them to a separate property. Or they can be ignored from the result completely.
- You can parse tag’s or attribute’s value to primitive type: string, integer, float, hexadecimal, or boolean. And can optionally decode for HTML char.
- You can remove namespace from tag or attribute name while parsing
- It supports boolean attributes, if configured.