REACT PRIMITIVE UI COMPONENTSBUILT WITH STYLED SYSTEM Getting Started Install the core Rebass library. npm i rebass ThemeProvider By default, Rebass components are stylistically unopinionated and do not include a theme. You can add a theme to your application with a ThemeProvider component and by providing a theme in context. For this guide, use the Emotion ThemeProvider with the …

GraphQL Code Generator

GraphQL Code Generator is a tool that generates code out of your GraphQL schema. Whether you are developing a frontend or backend, you can utilize GraphQL Code Generator to generate output from your GraphQL Schema and GraphQL Documents (query/mutation/subscription/fragment). By analyzing the schema and documents and parsing it, GraphQL Code Generator can output code at …

NPM – react-native-redash

Utility library for React Native Gesture Handler and Reanimated. Installation yarn add react-native-redash ⚠️ v1 Users ⚠️ v1 documentation: To access functions that work with Reanimated v1 nodes, use the following import: import {usePanGestureHandler} from “react-native-redash/lib/module/v1”; To add TypeScript support for the v1 functions, add the following type to your tsconfig: “include”: [“node_modules/react-native-redash/lib/typescript/v1/index.d.ts”] Animations …

Plaid API

We’ll start with an overview of Plaid and then jump start your integration with a step-by-step guide and code samples in Ruby, Python, and Node. If you’d like to follow along (and test it out!), clone the quickstart repository for the complete example apps. You’ll want to sign up for free API keys to get started. Running the walkthrough …


React Native’s Animated library reimplemented. It provides a more comprehensive, low level abstraction for the Animated library API to be built on top of and hence allow for much greater flexibility especially when it comes to gesture based interactions. OMG, why would you build this? (motivation) Animated library has several limitations that become troubling when it …

Klaviyo is the Mailchimp alternative designed to help you grow.

Join the 6,000 other former Mailchimp customers that came over to Klaviyo in the past two years and saw an average increase of 46% in total store revenue. Mailchimp is for sending email.Klaviyo makes you money. Klaviyo is built from the ground up for ecommerce stores. Our integrations pull in more data. Our email automations …