Using table components in Vue.js

Vue (pronounced /vjuː/, like view) is a progressive framework for building user interfaces. Unlike other monolithic frameworks, Vue is designed from the ground up to be incrementally adoptable. The core library is focused on the view layer only, and is easy to pick up and integrate with other libraries or existing projects. On the other hand, Vue is …

Sorting images automatically in HTML, and implement the gallery module

In real website coding, we are facing some challenges to create the complex gallery module in HTML or on the WordPress landing page sites. Fortunately, there are already pre-built libraries we can use or refer on, so we don’t need to waste our time to re-build them from scratch. Here are some of the image …

Redux-Saga, Redux-Thunk

Redux-saga and redux-thunk are redux middleware libraries, that are designed to make handling side effects(asynchronous things like data fetching) easier to manage and better at handling failures. The difference of those 2 libraries stands on processing the data fetched from back-end api. Redux-thunk handles the data in a callback function and redux-saga uses async-await functions …

Using sprites for multiple images in CSS

When we need to use several images in CSS, we can consider about using Sprites technology to improve the site loading speed. Using Sprites in CSS, we can decrease the number of images, which will be directly affect to the decrease the number of HTTP requests. Resources:


Introduction to popular front end js libraries for better UI/UX

fullPage.js is a simple and easy to use library to create fullscreen scrolling websites (also known as single page websites or onepage sites). It allows the creation of fullscreen scrolling websites, as well as adding some landscape sliders inside the sections of the site. parallax.js reacts to the orientation of your smart device, offsetting …

Ant Design

Ant design – design language with components ready

Ant design is a design language.Ant Design which is specially created for internal desktop applications, is committed to improving the experience of users and product designers. In the process of internal desktop applications development, many different design specs and implementations would be involved, which might cause designers and developers difficulties and duplication and reduce the …