Operation towards very large tables takes too much time in database. To overcome this problem, Postgres introduced partitioning using pg_partman extension. Steps to implement 1. Install extensionCREATE EXTENSION pg_partman; 2. Create tableCREATE TABLE events; 3. Create parent index tableSELECT create_parent(‘public.events’, ‘created_at’, ‘time’, ‘daily’); 4. Run partitioningSELECT run_maintenance(); Reference https://blog.heroku.com/handling-very-large-tables-in-postgres-using-partitioning
OData – power your RESTful API resources manipulation
In computing, Open Data Protocol is an open protocol which allows the creation and consumption of queryable and interoperable RESTful APIs in a simple and standard way. Microsoft initiated OData in 2007. Shortly said, OData is similar to GraphQL, has more history and being used by large companies, when GraphQL is new and used by …
DBeaver, professional multi-platform database administration tool
Have you ever suffered with lack of database administration tool? Slow web based UI? No same tool for macOS, windows and Linux? No tool at all? DBeaver is free and open source universal database tool for developers and database administrators. Usability is the main goal of the project, program UI is carefully designed and implemented. …
PostgREST – postgreSQL based RESTful API
PostgREST serves a fully RESTful API from any existing PostgreSQL database. It provides a cleaner, more standards-compliant, faster API than you are likely to write from scratch. Motivation Using PostgREST is an alternative to manual CRUD programming. Custom API servers suffer problems. Writing business logic often duplicates, ignores or hobbles database structure. Object-relational mapping is …