Backend Database Discussion

OData – power your RESTful API resources manipulation

In computing, Open Data Protocol is an open protocol which allows the creation and consumption of queryable and interoperable RESTful APIs in a simple and standard way. Microsoft initiated OData in 2007.

Shortly said, OData is similar to GraphQL, has more history and being used by large companies, when GraphQL is new and used by startup companies.

OData specifies protocol to generate filters, sort data and paginate, similar to SQL languages, also returns links

For example, if you want to get product with specific ID:

If you want to get products with name contains boot:\$filter=contains(name, ‘boot’)

Please check OData site for more details.


Stan is an experienced full-stack developer and software engineer who is focused on web and game development. He is enthusiastic about new technologies. Stan is highly skilled in many programming languages and frameworks, and he always tries to deliver the best approach.

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