3rd Party Services

The easiest way to use financial data

Build and scale financial applications faster on IEX Cloud

IEX Cloud is a financial data infrastructure platform that connects developers and financial data creators.

IEX Cloud is a platform that makes financial data and services accessible to everyone.

API Reference

The IEX Cloud API is based on REST, has resource-oriented URLs, returns JSON-encoded responses, and returns standard HTTP response codes.

  • The base url for the API is: https://cloud.iexapis.com/
  • We support JSONP for all endpoints.


API Tokens

IEX Cloud authenticates your API requests using your account’s API tokens. To use any IEX Cloud API, you must pass an API token with each request. If you do not include your API token when making an API request, or use one that is incorrect or disabled, IEX Cloud returns an error.

IEX Cloud provides two types of API tokens: publishable and secret.

  • Publishable API tokens are meant solely to identify your account with IEX Cloud, they aren’t secret. They can be published in places like your website JavaScript code, or in an iPhone or Android app.
  • Secret API tokens should be kept confidential and only stored on your own servers. Your account’s secret API token can perform any API request to IEX Cloud.



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