Frontend Javascript

Aurelia framework

Aurelia is a modern front-end framework for building browser, mobile and desktop applications.
Aurelia is a collection of Modern JavaScript modules, which when used together, function as a powerful platform for building browser, desktop and mobile applications, all open source and built on open web standards.

A Collection of Modern JavaScript Modules

Rather than being a monolithic framework, Aurelia is broken down into a collection of feature-oriented modules. Examples of feature modules include metadata, dependency injection, binding, templating, router and more. Each module is written using ECMAScript (aka JavaScript) or TypeScript (a strict superset of JavaScript that adds compile-time type checking). Many of these modules can be used individually in any type of JavaScript project, including Node.js.

A Powerful Platform for Building Apps

While Aurelia’s modules can be used for many purposes, their true power lies in using them together as a front-end application platform. If your end goal is to create rich, engaging experiences for your customers, meeting or exceeding what is found in modern native applications, Aurelia provides the means. Through its rich component model, dynamic UI composition, routing and extensive set of plugins, Aurelia provides a comprehensive set of capabilities and tools to build any front-end experience you can dream up, whether you’re targeting the browser, mobile or desktop.

Built on Open Web Standards

Not only is Aurelia written with ECMAScript, but it’s also designed to make careful use of the DOM standard. Rather than Aurelia utilizing a costly abstraction over the DOM, implementing its own custom HTML parser or adopting framework-specific JavaScript extensions, it leverages the latest DOM APIs to get “bare metal” performance, exceptional memory efficiency and all while staying synced with the continuous improvements of the browser platform itself. Additionally, Aurelia’s component model is based on W3C Web Components HTML Templates and ShadowDOM, so you know it will stand the test of time and will enable you to evolve your application along with advances in the standards, without major application re-writes or framework churn.

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