
Vue Place Auto-Complete

I think we can often meet some case like this, just place auto-complete in Vue framework.
Generally, there are 2 kinds of packages and methods to meet auto-complete in vue: “vue-place-autocomplete”, “vue-google-autocomplete”.
But place-autocomplete has some original and potential issues such as filling out of input itself, so weekly users are only 319 peoples.
Otherwise google-autocomplete is more useful and more stable.

I have tried to use different Vue Google Autocomplete components, but did not find any that would solve my needs. So I would like to mention what developers can get from this exact component:

We can use as following order.
– Installation:
We have to include the Google Maps Places API in the <head> of your HTML.
Then ” npm install vue-google-autocomplete –save “.

 placeholder="Please type your address"            

This package has several component functions such as clear(), focus(), blur(),update(), geolocate(), and so on.
Hopefully, I wish it will be helpful for the fast and good progress.

Thank You!

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