To better performance, the following technical changes appear in PHP 7. We should familiarize themselves with these changes if they intend to switch over to using PHP 7 for their web development projects.
Return Types
Return types, a common feature in most other programming languages, have finally been introduced to PHP. This means that programmers can now specify the type of variable that a function should return. In PHP 7, the return type is specified after the closing parenthesis of the argument list:
Spaceship Operator
We can use to quickly and conveniently compare two expressions. Use this operator as follows:
a <=> b
- If a is less than b, this expression outputs -1
- If a is equal to b, this expression outputs 0
- If a is greater than b, this expression outputs 1
Using this operator to compare variables requires much less typing than coding multiple tests with the traditional less than (<), equal to (==) and (>) greater than operators do.
Also, we can check the matching type like “===” instead “==”
Other Syntax Changes
- Old-fashioned error handling has been replaced with object-oriented exceptions. This change is intended to make it easier for developers to find and fix bugs in their code.
- Syntax for variable referencing has been changed to make it more consistent.
- The syntax for the foreach statement has changed.
- The list() operator no longer supports strings.
- In PHP 5.6, a bug allowed the switch statement to have multiple default clauses, leading to code behaving unpredictably. This bug has now been fixed.
- PHP 7 features more consistent conversions between integers and floating point numbers. This change eliminates some surprising errors that can occur when you intentionally or accidentally convert a variable that was initially stored as an integer into a floating point number, which is not necessarily a whole number, or a floating point into an integer.
- The old-fashioned syntax for marking comments in INI files has been removed. Instead of prefixing comments with the # symbol, you now need to use a semi-colon instead.