
Ckeditor5: real-time collaboration

CKEditor 5 real-time collaboration features let you customize any CKEditor 5 build to include real-time collaborative editing, commenting and suggesting features and tailor them to your needs. Real-time collaboration consists of four features delivered as separate plugins that can be used with any CKEditor 5 build: Real-time collaborative editing – Allows for editing the same …

Adding Swagger To Existing Node.js Project

Adding Swagger To Existing Node.js Project

Today, almost every application has to be connected and to share data with other applications. The best way to do that is throughAPIs. For a long time there hasn’t been any industry standard for designing and documenting APIs. And API without a good documentation on how to use it, is useless. Because of that, developers have …

Javascript React.js


Generate design tokens, export graphics, and extract design token-driven React components from your Figma documents. Originally inspired by Salesforce Theo. Figmagic promotes a structured way of assembling design systems. Following the primary principle of atomic design, Figmagic wants you to build from the bottom up, beginning with decomposing the tokens. Tokens shape elements, which form components, …

DevOps Discussion Git

How to use private package on github action

Github provides github action for CI/CD. For the CI, we could meet some cases to use private packages. In this case, npm run install will have permission problem. So, we need to set ssh agent. – name: Set ssh agent uses: webfactory/ssh-agent@v0.4.1 with: ssh-private-key: ${{ secrets.PRIVATE_SSH_KEY }} Then it will work for a private repository. …

Angular Discussion Javascript jQuery NodeJS React Native React.js Vue.js


Yup is a JavaScript schema builder for value parsing and validation. Define a schema, transform a value to match, validate the shape of an existing value, or both. Yup schema are extremely expressive and allow modeling complex, interdependent validations, or value transformations. Yup’s API is heavily inspired by Joi, but leaner and built with client-side validation …

Make a mapping object from an array of objects using Reduce function in Javascript

Make a mapping object from an array of objects using Reduce function in Javascript

Sometimes, we face some usecases to make a mapping object from an array of object. For example, we have a Users array, we need to find a user by tagId. Here tagIdis supposed to be unique. Generally, we may try to use array.find() function to find the object with tagId. But using array.reduce()function in Javascript, …