AWS Backend DevOps Discussion DynamoDB Serverless

Localstack – AWS cloud services in local env, faster development

Developing AWS cloud based applications, like serverless based apps normally require too much effort on non-development related things.

LocalStack provides an easy-to-use test/mocking framework for developing Cloud applications.

LocalStack builds on existing best-of-breed mocking/testing tools, notably kinesalite/dynalite and motoElasticMQ, and others. While these tools are awesome (!), they lack functionality for certain use cases. LocalStack combines the tools, makes them interoperable, and adds important missing functionality on top of them.

Check following link to know in more details!


Stan is an experienced full-stack developer and software engineer who is focused on web and game development. He is enthusiastic about new technologies. Stan is highly skilled in many programming languages and frameworks, and he always tries to deliver the best approach.

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